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人口动态是对生物种群大小的时间和空间变化的研究,是人口生态学的主要部分。分析人口动态的主要困难之一是,由于实验成本或测量限制,我们只能从固定点观察值中获得粗略的时间间隔的观察数据。最近,已经提出,通过使用连续归一化流(CNF)和动态最佳运输来对种群动力学进行建模,以从观察到的人群中推断样品轨迹。尽管CNF中的样本行为是确定性的,但生物系统中的实际样本以本质上随机但方向性的方式移动。此外,当样本从点A中的点移动到动力学系统中B点B时,其轨迹通常遵循最小动作的原理,在该原理中,相应的动作具有最小的可能值。为了满足样品轨迹的这些要求,我们制定了Lagrangian Schr \“ Odinger Bridge(LSB)问题,并提议将其近似于使用神经SDE和正则化解决。我们还开发了一个模型体系结构,可以更快地计算。实验结果表明,该结果表明,该模型表明,提出的方法即使对于高维数据也可以有效地近似人口级动力学,并且使用拉格朗日引入的先验知识使我们能够估算具有随机行为的单个样本的轨迹。
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我们提出了使用多级蒙特卡罗(MLMC)方法的变分推理的差异减少框架。我们的框架是基于Reparameterized梯度估计的梯度估计,并在优化中从过去更新历史记录获得的“回收”参数。此外,我们的框架还提供了一种基于随机梯度下降(SGD)的新优化算法,其自适应地估计根据梯度方差的比率用于梯度估计的样本大小。理论上,通过我们的方法,梯度估计器的方差随着优化进行而降低,并且学习率调度器函数有助于提高收敛。我们还表明,就\ Texit {信噪比}比率而言,我们的方法可以通过提高初始样本大小来提高学习速率调度器功能的梯度估计的质量。最后,我们确认我们的方法通过使用多个基准数据集的基线方法的实验比较来实现更快的收敛性并降低梯度估计器的方差,并降低了与其他方法相比的其他方法。
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Target Propagation (TP) is a biologically more plausible algorithm than the error backpropagation (BP) to train deep networks, and improving practicality of TP is an open issue. TP methods require the feedforward and feedback networks to form layer-wise autoencoders for propagating the target values generated at the output layer. However, this causes certain drawbacks; e.g., careful hyperparameter tuning is required to synchronize the feedforward and feedback training, and frequent updates of the feedback path are usually required than that of the feedforward path. Learning of the feedforward and feedback networks is sufficient to make TP methods capable of training, but is having these layer-wise autoencoders a necessary condition for TP to work? We answer this question by presenting Fixed-Weight Difference Target Propagation (FW-DTP) that keeps the feedback weights constant during training. We confirmed that this simple method, which naturally resolves the abovementioned problems of TP, can still deliver informative target values to hidden layers for a given task; indeed, FW-DTP consistently achieves higher test performance than a baseline, the Difference Target Propagation (DTP), on four classification datasets. We also present a novel propagation architecture that explains the exact form of the feedback function of DTP to analyze FW-DTP.
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Despite the impact of psychiatric disorders on clinical health, early-stage diagnosis remains a challenge. Machine learning studies have shown that classifiers tend to be overly narrow in the diagnosis prediction task. The overlap between conditions leads to high heterogeneity among participants that is not adequately captured by classification models. To address this issue, normative approaches have surged as an alternative method. By using a generative model to learn the distribution of healthy brain data patterns, we can identify the presence of pathologies as deviations or outliers from the distribution learned by the model. In particular, deep generative models showed great results as normative models to identify neurological lesions in the brain. However, unlike most neurological lesions, psychiatric disorders present subtle changes widespread in several brain regions, making these alterations challenging to identify. In this work, we evaluate the performance of transformer-based normative models to detect subtle brain changes expressed in adolescents and young adults. We trained our model on 3D MRI scans of neurotypical individuals (N=1,765). Then, we obtained the likelihood of neurotypical controls and psychiatric patients with early-stage schizophrenia from an independent dataset (N=93) from the Human Connectome Project. Using the predicted likelihood of the scans as a proxy for a normative score, we obtained an AUROC of 0.82 when assessing the difference between controls and individuals with early-stage schizophrenia. Our approach surpassed recent normative methods based on brain age and Gaussian Process, showing the promising use of deep generative models to help in individualised analyses.
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In the field of reinforcement learning, because of the high cost and risk of policy training in the real world, policies are trained in a simulation environment and transferred to the corresponding real-world environment. However, the simulation environment does not perfectly mimic the real-world environment, lead to model misspecification. Multiple studies report significant deterioration of policy performance in a real-world environment. In this study, we focus on scenarios involving a simulation environment with uncertainty parameters and the set of their possible values, called the uncertainty parameter set. The aim is to optimize the worst-case performance on the uncertainty parameter set to guarantee the performance in the corresponding real-world environment. To obtain a policy for the optimization, we propose an off-policy actor-critic approach called the Max-Min Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm (M2TD3), which solves a max-min optimization problem using a simultaneous gradient ascent descent approach. Experiments in multi-joint dynamics with contact (MuJoCo) environments show that the proposed method exhibited a worst-case performance superior to several baseline approaches.
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